I take a long time doing a LO. Way too long I'm sure. But I really consider it my art. Scrapping is a creative outlet for me. Yes, I love that I can showcase my kids but I really like the creating part of it. Some
LO's when I get finished I think are just
ok but then there are some that I'm really proud of how they turned out. Here are a few that I really like.
This was a date book that I bought online. It was suppose to be for a scrapper. I paid almost $40 with shipping. I know WAAAAAAY too much. Well, when it came it was just a cardboard front. Very plain and flimsy. I was super disappointed! So I added thin cardboard to each side and covered it front & back, added tons of ribbon. I also added the tabs to mark the different months. No, it didn't come that way. I thought this was so cool and really wanted to use it BUT. . . . after trying to use it I found out that a day by day date book is not for me! I need to see everything by the month. I ended up giving this to one of my nieces. I was sad to see it go but I just wasn't using it. : (
I made 5 of these clipboards for Kaitlyn and Austin's teacher for Christmas. They were a big hit.
Here is my first and only LO I've done using a sketch. It was for a challenge in a scrap group that I'm in on
Cafe Mom. I won the challenge too! That is my son Austin. Isn't he a cutie!!
Here's my daughter Kaitlyn in her dance class last year. Isn't she a cutie too!

This was from Dec. 2006 but I didn't scrap it until last fall. We don't get snow like this to often here in Oklahoma, so when it does snow you get out the camera.
Wow that was a lot of trouble to get these pictures on! This is only my second post and the first time I've added pics. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually. I need to figure out how to do all the links to other people blogs, my favorite websites and other cool stuff. I don't want my blog to be boring! : }